
Sunday, May 24, 2015

~Disney Land

The last few weeks have been pretty hectic for our family so we decided that today 5/24 we needed some Family time. Our family decided a trip to Disney Land was what we needed!

 Our niece Mari ready to go.
Our son Charlie and Sinclair
 Our daughter, Libby looking adorable and fashionable today.
 Train Ride
 Adventure Land.. 
Waiting (im)patiently for it to start!

More to come later.. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015


The last few weeks have been unbelievable having these two little darlings join our family. They've brought laughter and warmth into our chilled hearts. They give without question, love without demand. They're quirky and funny which fits us because we're quirky too. I don't know what my SL would be without Cedric, Libby and Charlie in my life.

On 4/19/2015 these two little angels sat us down and asked us to be their family. How could we say no? They're loving, adorable and ours.

Daddy and Libby having a malt.  (She's doing blog posts)

Our family 4/21/2105 PJ's rule!

Adoring my time with my little precious babygirl. I love this girl to the moon and back!

My puddle jumpers! Taking pictures for their blog.

The family bear, we think she's a little demented. Must run in the family. I swear she needs her own page, she's very amusing the things we come up with. This was the day that Sybil took over their computer screens. She took a selfie to replace their blog logo.

Cedric and I had to take 48 hours offline to get my son from college. When we returned... We were quite surprised by the mess our demons erm angels left for us. Though it's a huge mess, it was funny, I was in shock and stunned and I think I would have been a little sad and disappointed had they not made SOME type of mess. They even baked us a cake.. Mud and sugar cake. It was.. delicious!

Yes they did.. :) And I love them for it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Mini Fashionata's

While Emma is away, Charlie and Libby have been dragging me around the grid. One gacha event after another. :) We're having fun, getting to know each other and making notes of where to return when Emma gets home.

If you want to see what each of the kids are wearing you can check their blogs indvidually. This blog is about our adventures and where we go unless we're blogging a specific location or a specific pose. This is about having fun.

Libby strutting her stuff

Libby and Charlie striking a pose... I think they're way more adorable then the cow they're posing by.

And of course, Charlie, a child after my heart, walking around exploring without shoes on!

More adventures to come...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

~Our Family~

Fralto Family

All good stories MUST start with

 Once upon a time....

In a land far away called Second Life, a boy met a girl.. and their story began...

First there were two;Cedric and Nieandera, in a fairy tale of love and happiness. :)

Then one day they decided to start a family. Searching high and low, they found Emma.. Saved from the with bling.
Two became three

 And of course, dancing with Aunt Ally and Momma that first night. What crazy antics we will have.

 When Libby and Charlie landed in our world. Siblings for Emma, and shock for us, but  not a moment we regret. Smiles and joy, happiness and laughter is bound to happen.
Three became five!

And so the adventure begins. Our family. Complete, whole.. And who knows what tomorrow will bring!

To our todays, tomorrows and happily ever after..